As I have promise before , I will definitely do an article or rather a Photo Journey on the Old Trades of Batu Pahat. I believe most of you would have known or at least heard of Batu Pahat by now. If Not , please do a Google on it or look for it in wikipedia. Batu Pahat was reknown for its salted fish in the past, It was formerly known as Bandar Penggaram, which means "town of salt-makers". In 1893/1894, the present township was founded by Dato' Bentara Luar, Mohamed Salleh bin Perang, acting on the orders of the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Abu Bakar.
As with most Old Township in Malaysia, Batu Pahat along with the others, still has a sizable amount of Folks who manage to maintain and pass on those ... '' Old Trades ''. Believe it or not, the amount of Old trades can easily be compared to those of Malacca. But unlike most towns, Batu Pahat is rather unique in that it has through History brought about some of the most Talented man & Women , in both the Business and Political Scenes ( Read my earlier Post on this ). May be it's the '' Feng Sui '' or the Schools & Teachers, Dieties & Gods ( B.P. has the most Temples Per sq. ft than any other towns ) in Malaysia if not Asia. There are about 450 or more of which 300 plus are Registered. It's clearly a case of '' Where The Environment Makes The Man ''.... And I am glad to say that I am one of them ....Ha,Ha.
Now for the '' Old Trades '' that makes the Town what it is Yesterday, today and the near future. As usual I will arrange them in photos of their respective Trades & Professions. Most of them are my friends and whenever possible I will add their names or their shop Title. Please take this as a Photographic journey rather than a Photo journalistic article. Take Grace in any Mistakes that I may have made as I am really a slow typist and one prone to errors...Ha,Ha. Enjoy !!!
Due to the overwhelming request for some of my old Batu Pahat Pics, I have today ( 22/11/2016 ) uploaded them for your viewing pleasure ... Ha, Ha. This are Vintage pics from the 20's to 40's from the Colonial Batu Pahat. Lots of you who were born even in the 50's doesn't even know or recognise some of the scenes here. I won't be identifying any of the places here as this is a Quiz for anyone Young or Old . Try naming as much places as possible ... Adooii . There will be a number to each picture and if you quest all of it right, I will give you a Treat over here in B.P. You can call me at : 019-7119019 or just place a comment below ....Thanks.
By the way, all pics are copyright, so ask me if you need it for commercial usage. Other than that, feel free to share . Most of the negatives are with me and they were handed down to me by my Late Brother whose interest in Photography lead me to what I am today ... Thanks.
Here we go ... Pic # 1.
Pic # 2
Pic # 3
Pic # 4
Pic # 5
Pic # 6
A view of the Batu Pahat Ferry Terminal from the across the river ... 1955 .
The view of Perserai from across the River .... 1928.
After years of using the Ferry services, it was finally taken over by the the big thing ... The Bridge . It was completed on July 1967 and was officially open on July 1st and later to the public on 23/7/67 with a Toll charge of 20cts for motorcycles, 80cts for cars and $ 1.80 for lorries and buses.
Here's a pic from an archive on the official opening day on July the 1st 1967... Truly Down Memory Lane Stuff !!
I shall start with the '' Makan '' or '' Food '' Trades. Most of you local folks would have known some if not all of them here. Batu pahat is also a food heaven besides the famous '' Nasi Briyani , Asam Pedas, Kopi Puteh Senggarang or Apollo Yam Rice ''. There's more to it than meets the eyes down here in B.P.
Those Makan Sutra Trades ...!!!
This is an update that's long overdue ( 28/10/2014 ), and the thought of not including my longtime Latin Dancing classmate is unbelievable !! Here he is, '' Ah Choon '' in his ( one of the oldest ) '' Mun Chiang Kueh '' Stall . Few know that this Man was once a '' Cha-Cha '' Dancing King of B.P. Believe me, this Man has some smooth moves under his belt, besides having a skilled pair of hands ... Cha, Cha, Cha !!
The above Pic is one of the many old Food trades spread across S.E. Asia. Those '' Keng Che Mee or Sar Kak Mee ( Thirty Cents Mee ) and better known to us Oldies as '' Salon Mee '' here in B.P. This one above is one of the Two Famous ones and its called '' Ah Sar '' Sar Kak Mee'', here seen taken taken over by Ah Sar's Daughter in Law.
Another favorite of mine, Now nearer to my Home .... The '' OM '' Indian Rojak at the Main road of Taman Perdana.
Now for the Noodles side of things, Those Delicious ... '' Wan Tan Mee '' of Batu Pahat. Here's two of my favorite and they are Famous among locals here. Guess Who ...???
We all know that '' Mee Rebus '' is a traditional malay food, But here in B.P., there's an exception, A chinese '' Mee Rebus '' Seller that's equally popular here. The Mee Rebus of Jalan Abu Bakar ( Formerly at Sin Mee Hing Cafe ) at Jalan Sultanah.
Not forgetting the famous '' Fish Ball Mee '' Family. There's a total of five of them spread around Batu Pahat. All of them handed down from the '' Chu Song & Chu Teck '' Brothers ...!!!
Here's a Late edition as of Dec 15th, How could I leave out my friend, Ah Loh ( One of Batu Pahat's Best Egg Crabs ) Restaurant ?? Yes folks, This has to be one of the best Sea Food restaurant ( Ship Village Restaurant ) in Sergenting, here in Batu Pahat. The owner ( AH LOH ) as is often called here, has his own Secret recipe in cooking crabs. Better known here as his '' Chow Phai '' dish of eggs coated fried and delicious crabs. No Pics here as it will only have you swallowing your own Saliva. Remember its in Sergenting, a Tourist Hound for Singaporeans and Locals alike. You won't miss it, as its next to the village main temple and the restaurant is shape like a Ship.
Here's the man himself cooking away !! Mr. Ah Loh !!
Enough of noodles and food ... Finally, a pic to depict the ingenuity of the folks of Batu Pahat. A true '' Jack of all Trades '' and an ordinary man who tries his best to make ends meet. The Apam cum '' Chai Tau Kueh '' seller of Batu Pahat. A good example of what 2 in 1 means.
Here an update that I almost forgot. The old Banner & Chinese Calligrapher. They are the one that writes those Beautiful and Artistic chinese characters on our ancestral tablets and banners for all occasions. This here is Mr. Chew , the only man left here in Batu Pahat who is still in this line. This really is a '' Vanishing Trade '' ... !!
Here's another taken through the glass window.
Now For the rest of The Old Trades of Batu Pahat. Some sad to say, are a dying breed, and may not last till the next Generation. First off ....The Ricksaw Man or in Malay '' Wak Becha ''.
An Old Friend of Mine.....Din The '' Becha Man ''
Ah Kaw .... The '' Tinker Man '' or Better Known as The Tukang Ayan in Malay. This is another one those '' Gifted Man '' of many Talents. Besides being a Tinker Man, he also does '' Chrome Paneling, Mud guard Repairing, Antique Cars & Motorcycle Restoration '' and anything related to Metals ...!!!
Kamal ...The Cobbler who plies his trade along Jalan Zabedah.
The Roving '' Coffee Powder '' Seller from Tongkang Pechah.
Here's a late addition on an Old friend and relative of mine. Mr.Tan Yin Yu ( Photographer Extraordinaire ) , now retired, who happens to be my early mentor and the inspiration behind my interest in '' Bird Photography ''. He is of course the owner of this unique coffee Shop ( Kedai Kopi Tong Ah ). The classic Old trade of making aromatic Hainanese Coffee , from which the Phrase '' Kopi '' O '' Kau '' originates from .
Along the same pasar pagi street, there are of course some other old trades. They are mostly done by our fellow Malay brother & sisters. Firstly, the perfume & traditional make ups.
Then those Gemstone and old coins & paper notes dealers. This one is a surprise , as I name it '' Chasing The Dragon '' , and true enough, one can see the Dragon like figure in the smoke ( Circled in Red ) ... Ha,Ha.
Not forgetting our local fresh farm produces and the '' Kak '' with their daily '' Tani '' product .
And on the occasion , a trophy '' Bird Seller '' , mostly with their '' Merbok ''.
Batu Pahat is of course Named after the early Salt Makers, Dried Salted Goods and Spice Traders. Many still doesn't know that the spice or dried foodstuff trades here are also known locally as the '' 98 Hang ''. Here's a Pic of a '' 98 Hang '' proprietor at work in front of his shop.
Now for the refreshing side of things, the famous Batu Pahat '' Cendol ''. Did you know that this cendol shop in Jalan Engan was one of the earliest cendol wholesaler in Malaysia ? It's customers includes those from Malacca, Muar, Johor Bahru and even Taiping in Perak . Below is a pic of the Old Trade of Ice Cold '' Cendol '' ... Batu Pahat Style that is.
Here's another one of those dying crafts ...The Rattan Makers !!
Batu Pahat is of course Named after the early Salt Makers, Dried Salted Goods and Spice Traders. Many still doesn't know that the spice or dried foodstuff trades here are also known locally as the '' 98 Hang ''. Here's a Pic of a '' 98 Hang '' proprietor at work in front of his shop.
Now for the refreshing side of things, the famous Batu Pahat '' Cendol ''. Did you know that this cendol shop in Jalan Engan was one of the earliest cendol wholesaler in Malaysia ? It's customers includes those from Malacca, Muar, Johor Bahru and even Taiping in Perak . Below is a pic of the Old Trade of Ice Cold '' Cendol '' ... Batu Pahat Style that is.
Here's another one of those dying crafts ...The Rattan Makers !!

Not forgetting my other friend Mr.Tay ....'' The Rattan Maker '', Whose shop is at Jalan Engan.
One cannot be more Fascinated by the Sights & Sounds of The Chinese Operas. Even though only a Handful of Troops are left, but they still exist here. It's a Rich Cultural Tradition that certainly needs to be preserved for the future Generation.
Here's an update as of ( 22/8/2014 ) ... The '' TAILORS '' !! Those Skilled Craftsman who made our School uniforms, Pants and Shirts during our childhood days. I can still remember those '' Elvis Styled '' long collared shirts we made for our Chinese new Year celebrations ... Yee Haa !! This Two pics are dedicated to our Fabulous Old School Tailors which sadly, is another Vanishing Trade.
Here's another update as of 5/9/2014. The Healing sides of things and that's the ''TCM'' or better known in the old days as Chinese Medical Halls. A trade that has been handled down through the generations since the time of '' Hua Tuo '' in the First century AD. Its a tradition we as Chinese should be Proud of. Here's a pic of an old friend of mine, simply called '' Ah Siah '' of '' Chang Ann Medical Hall '' in Jalan Mohd Akil.
Batu Pahat is also famous for it's Watch Dealers & Goldsmith. But Repairing those Old Vintage watches takes a skilled and experience Hand. To that B.P. do have some of the Finest Watch repairers and craftsman. Here are some of those magnificent man with their Tick-Tock skills...Yee Haa !!Here's an update as of ( 22/8/2014 ) ... The '' TAILORS '' !! Those Skilled Craftsman who made our School uniforms, Pants and Shirts during our childhood days. I can still remember those '' Elvis Styled '' long collared shirts we made for our Chinese new Year celebrations ... Yee Haa !! This Two pics are dedicated to our Fabulous Old School Tailors which sadly, is another Vanishing Trade.
Now for the '' Wet '' side of things ...Those who are directly or indirectly involved in the '' fishing industry ''. Batu Pahat is basically a Fishing cum trading town in the early days, hence it's not surprising to see some Old Trades that still exist along the fishing line.
Another Good Friend of mine ... '' Ah Seng '' ... The Fisherman, Net Repairman, Basketballer and Believe it or not A '' Medium '' on Mondays & Fridays.
Now for some Assorted Pics of The Fishing Trades.
Home Coming With The Days Catch ... !!!
This Pic above depicts what truly is a diminishing trade .... The '' V '' pole prawn Catchers. It is a rare site here in Malaysia and can only be found at '' Pantai Punggur '' here in Batu Pahat.
As there are too many Old Trades that I haven't yet record, for which ( If Time permits ) , I will try to cover the majority of them in time to come. Before ending the Article/Photo journey, I will like to add some pics of a Trade that's, I am happy to say alive & well and that's ... The Barber . Even though some of them are Old Fashion, but they all serve the same purpose, and that's' to get your Hair Cut. Although the trend has change somewhat with the advent of Ladies Hairdressers, some of us ( Me included ), still prefers the '' Old Fashion '' way of having our Hair Crop....Ha,Ha.
Here are the Pics....Snip, Snip, Snip !!!
Here's an update as of the 15/10/2014 . Another one Old Timer in the Barber Trade who's about to call it a day soon . This Barber is situated along Jalan Idrus next to the Morning's Pasar Karat.
Our Barber friend above is also an '' Utensils '' Sharpener, here seen sharpening a piar of scissor. But of course not your Jpegs or Raw images ...Ha,Ha !!
Here's another update as of 23/1/2013 . This is one food I personally loved since my school days. Its not only healthy, it keeps one warm in the cold of the night and friendly to your digestive systems ...Ha,Ha. Its of course the ... '' Chapati '' & Chinchiang mutton gravy. This shop just behind '' Cathay '' cinema, by the name of '' SHUIB '' Tandoori Corner, has the best chapati, roti nan and tandoori chicken in Batu Pahat ( IMHO ). Go and give it a try and for something a little different, try the '' Cheese- Nan !! Here are the pics ...!!
Update as of 6/2/2014 : During the chinese new year, as I was travelling along the sungai ayam road, I came across what I thought was a former Rattan basket maker. It turns out that they are still makng it for the vegetables market. Wow ..!! That's a surprise, as I thought they now import it from Cha'ah !! This is another one of those really classic old trades that's been going on here for decades. Here are three pics selected out of around 15 shots. Taken with the E-300, and boy, the retro colours looks simply gorgeous ... !!
Batu Pahat is also well known for its used and second hand goods which includes Antiques and all things unwanted by everyday folks Rich & Poor. To this dealers , what to you is Junk , to them is Money !!
Hi Folks ... This is a '' Hot '' just out of the oven shot !! Took this
just this afternoon ( 25/4/2015 ) , after more than 20 years of waiting ...Yee Haa !!
This is my latest in the series of '' Old Trades of Batu Pahat ''.. The
Legend himself ... '' Pak Niam '' of Warisan '' Kuda Kepang '' . If
you're a BPrean and don't know what '' Kuda Kepang '' is, then you're
history ...Ha,Ha. This Art of Horse Dance is a Tradition that goes back
to hundred of years and its origin is from JAVA. Pak Niam's father was
amongst the first to bring this Culture to the then Malaya. It is here
in Batu Pahat that the Dance spread across the country. Its of course
the logo of the Johor Tourism board. I tried it when I was a kid as this
was popular among my Javanese neighbours and also during a wedding
ceremony. Pak Niam's only appentice pass away recently and now is
teaching the art of making kuda kepang to his Grand daughter picture
below. He is at present staying at Sg.Nibong over at Semerah ....Salam
and Hormat to a Great Man !!
Here's a Mixed of more than 10 pics that I took over the past few months. They are mix of Trades and occupations that are still being carried out in a commercial manner. Updated this ( 4/6/2015 ) .
This is another update as of ( 7/6/2015 ).
One of The Oldest Bicycle shop in B.P.
A Traditional Malay Frame Shop.
Workers from the '' 98 '' Trades.
'' Sheik '' The Cendol shop Boss ... !!
Here's a really Old and Traditional '' SONGKOK '' maker at The Pasar Melayu.
Not forgetting The '' Curry Powder '' and '' Nuts '' Grinders.
Still going strond and surviving trade of '' Joss Stick '' making.
Here's an update as of January 2016 . A truly Vanishing Trade that has long gone from the scenes in Batu Pahat. This two pics were shot after a year and Half of waiting. It is of course the Traditional Chinese '' Coffin Makers ''. This has to be one of the last remaining shops in Johor, if not Southern Malaysia. They are the '' GOH '' brothers of Muar.
There are so many of the Old Trades that I have left out here, but for that I will add on in the near future. Trades like The Tailors, Goldsmiths, Joss Stick Makers, Dried Salted Goods Makers and of course Those Old School Photo Salon . I will add in here as time goes by. I will also be waiting for my copy of the new OMD E-M1 to arrive, so that I could use it for another article on B.P
As always, please take grace in any mistakes that I may have made and just relax and enjoy the Photos. If you feel the need to come down here for a real world experience of Batu Pahat, do feel free to ring me up at : 019-7119019. Just remember to inform me a few days ahead of your arrival.
Your Comments & Questions are always welcome . Have a Nice Day ahead and remember to just snap away and worry less about your gears ... '' Hakuna Matata '' cheers !!!
Regards .... Uncle James.
ReplyDeleteThanks for these wonderful photography journey in nostalgic colors, but I think you need to mention or specific the exact location of your shots.It is indeed nice of you to remind us that this old trade is still thriving in this near digital world of us. Keep it up and hope to see more of your wonderful works in the near future.
Did you managed to meet up with the owner of "Tong Ah" who is also a photography enthusiast??
By the way, long time "no see you" in Batu Pahat. Hope to be able to make a trip again to talk about the old times we had together!
Hi Brother,
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping in and Penning a few notes. As usual, I will be at '' Tong Ah '' coffee Shop almost every weekends. As to the mentioning on the specific places, I did on the earlier part of it. Believe it or not, even though all of those folks you see in post are my friend, some I don't even know the name of their shops...Ha,Ha. Getting old I guess, and those Bits & Bytes are fading with time.
Do try to come down here when you have the time, so that we can talk about those '' Good Old Days ''. Take care and Live Life to the Fullest ...!!!
Regards ... Brother James.
Saw your entry on Facebook and followed you here. Lovely to see the uniquely Malaysian photos.
ReplyDeleteHi Ananda,
DeleteThanks for the compliments and glad that you took the effort just to drop by and Pen a few lines. You are , I believe an Art lover, be it music , photography and all things beautiful. I believe you too , are from Malaysia and now residing in Australia. At your age it's good to get involved in any form of Arts or Hobby, as it keeps the mind in focus. So, ...'' Look to this day for it's Life, the very Life of Life '' ....Cheers !!!
Uncle James.
"...There are so many of the Old Trades that I have left out here, but for that I will add on in the near future. Trades like The Tailors, Goldsmiths, Joss Stick Makers, Dried Salted Goods..."
ReplyDeleteUncle James, very nice pics of the old trades and thanks for the effort, trouble and time, but how about including 'that oldest trade' in your next posting ?
Hi Brother NB Tay,
ReplyDeleteHa,Ha....For that I will need to borrow your EM-5 or the NB '' FF '' Canon Mk II. As you know, for now I am Camera_less !!! Hope Oly Malaysia is listening in...Yee Haa !!
See You this weekend and take care .
Cheers !!!.....James ( The spy who came in from the Cold ) 007 ...Moh.
"The things that we love tell us what we are.” ― St. Thomas Aquinas
ReplyDeleteNice posting
ReplyDeleteWill visit Batu Pahat soon.
Hi M.R. Danial,
DeleteHello there !! ... Good evening and Thanks for jotting down a line & sinker here. That's an unusual name you have there, should have been '' Daniel '' I believe. But that doesn't matter, We are what we are, in the eyes of our Parents ...Ha,Ha. This weekend will be Perfect if you're coming down, as I have a few friends tagging along for a street Photography session this saturday or Sunday. Do give me a call at : 019- 7119019 , and let me know if you can make it.
Thanks again....Uncle James,
Dear mr james,
ReplyDeletei am from batu pahat, at tmn sentosa, just beside that kg istana, nvr thought that we still have some traditional this and that, agree with u when i look deep at those photos, feels that we really need to preserve the traditional way of people doing things here...
From Romadan Pouzan
Hi Pouzan,
DeleteMinta Ma'af kerana terlalu lambat reply. Serperti Biasa, abang sibuk sikit. I rasa you kena ambil satu dua hari dan turun sini tuk street Photog lah. Semoga sihat...Abang James !!
Hello from London! I am from Batu Pahat too. Your blog is looking great! I will definitely like to extend the food list =)
ReplyDeleteHi Qinghwee,
DeleteHi there from way back Home here in B.P. I will definitely update and post more pics wheb ni have the time. Meanwhile, do take care and treasure every moment in this Noisy Life. You really are a Lucky girl for been able to travel to all those places while studying. I nour younger days, we have to work part time jobs and Hitchhike our way back . Nice knowing a fellow Blogger from B.P. ...If you're back here, do ring me up and chat over a cup of B.P. '' Pek Kopi '' ...Ha,Ha. Cheers! Uncle James.
Hi James,
ReplyDeleteMissed the mee the son still doing the trade?
Where have they moved to btw?
Hi russ,
DeleteSo sorry for the late reply. A little tight up lately with so many forums to oversee. Yes, The son is running the Business now that His Dad has passed away. The shop is just behind the old '' Cheng Siu '' school. The only row there is and opposite of '' Ujagar Singh's '' Shop in Jalan Abu Bakar. Give me a ring if you happen to miss it ( Which I Doubt ) ...Ha,Ha. Have a Nice day ahead ...James.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThxs James .I'll definitely pop by..been eating his dads mee rebus since schooldays..btw do u know whr the Om rojak moved to?the actual address?coz the last I went back,it was near Prince...apparently closed Liao.....:((
ReplyDeleteHi russ,
DeleteNo sweat Brother, as for '' OM '' , it's now in Taman Perdana Utama, On the Right of the Main road if you're coming from Tanjung Labuh entrance, Left if you're coming from The Limpoon entrance. It's a stall on a Corner shop selling the famous '' Kulai Pau ''. Glad to of service to a fellow B.Prian. Do give me a call at : 019-7119019 if you need Help.
Thxs James ..much appreciate it bro
ReplyDeleteHey James,
ReplyDeleteLove the old school pics! We have also just finished a post about the Things to do and Attractions in Batu Pahat.
Do check out our post yah?
Hi Tom,
ReplyDeleteNice to see a fellow blogger across the straits doing a snip on Batu Pahat. As for the old school Pics, thanks for the compliments, after all I am really an old man with with a love for all things Old ...Ha,Ha. Well, there is more to Batu Pahat than just the food & trades , and it's the Personalities or rather the Human factors that's the shinning Light of Batu Pahat. You will be surprise by the number of top Talents in s'pore that are from Batu Pahat ( Past & Present )...Cheers and take care !! Uncle James.
Beautiful Photography and write up on Batu Pahat! Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteHi Basket Brigade,
ReplyDeleteThanks Brother !! Its the least I could do for my Hometown, after what it has given me. If you're evr near here , do give me a call and I will do my best to show you around. By the tone of your post, you sounds like an '' EX '' B.P.rian ... !!! Am I Right ..,Ha,Ha. Take care and Live Life to the Fullest !!
Cheers !! ... Uncle James.
wow, the last pic is my dad. cheers!
ReplyDeleteHi Peggy,
DeleteWow !! ...What a coincidence !! I have known your Dad for over 30 years and of course your neighbour ...''Ah Shi WanTan Mee '' and most of the folks around your Dad's shop. Your Dad has always been Proud of the '' Extra Large '' Antique Mirror in your House/Shop...Ha,Ha. Glad to know he has a wonderful Daughter in you. ...Cheers !! Uncle James.
Hi James,
ReplyDeleteGreat pics!
Hi Lee Too,
DeleteHey, Its been a few years since we last met at your house gathering. How are you ? I believe you are as jolly as ever. By the way, do send my Regards to your Mum. Take care and stay in touch...Cheers!! James.
Fantastic photos and so many familiar 'uncles' whose stalls I frequented when growing up in BP - the thought of their food is making miss home!
ReplyDeleteHi Angelica,
DeleteThanks for the compliment of my humble pics !! Ya, I know what its like to miss home.Luckily I didn't post Pics of the food itself or else it would have you swallowing your own saliva...Ha,Ha. Anyway, I have lots of friend and former classmates who overseas and like you, they too miss home....Cheers !! James.
Well done!
ReplyDeleteHi tcs,
DeleteThanks a million mate ...!!
'' Hakuna Matata '' ...James.
My lovely hometown
ReplyDeleteHi Miss Lim,
DeleteThanks for dropping by and am glad that you love our hometown '' Batu Pahat ''...Take care and Cheers !!
Hi James
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me where is this Tong Ah Coffee Shop. I would like to visit this old school shop on my next visit to BP.
Thank you... james Khor from Klang
Hi James ,
DeleteFirst off, Thanks for visiting my Rustic Blog ...Ha,Ha. I hate to disappoint you, even though the Kopitiam still exist, but it has undergone a new facelift. The old owner , Mr.Tan has just sold his shop ( Due to Old age ) to his one time Kopi - Kia ....Ramlee. Most of the old stuffs are still there except for the new counter and all the furniture are New. It is still worth a visit as the atmosphere there is still very much '' Old School ''. Give me a call if you're in town and I will show you around. But remember to do it 2 to 3 days in advance as I might be oversea or out station....Ha,Ha. My H/P: 019-7119019 .....Cheers !!
Hi Uncle,
ReplyDeleteHow are you ?. Hope all is well. These photos are just amazing and superb. Very nostalgic indeed even though I'm not from BP. I especially admire the photos of the the cobbler, the rattan maker, watch dealers and goldsmiths, tongkang pecah, cendol Jalan Engan, Pantai Punggur sceneries. Are they still there ?. I plan to visit Batu Pahat soon.
Hi Mohd Adam ... So sorry for the late reply, was in London from the 10th till 24 th of september. Most of the old trades that I mention and photograph are still there, with the exception of the owner of Tong Ah coffee shop. He has just recently gone into Retirement, but the shop is still there, although with a different name now. If you're here after the 25th of sept, I might just show you around...Give me a ring at :019-7119019 and I will see what I can do....Cheers !! Uncle James.
Deletemiss the cendol stall. Where is it now? Really miss the good old times in Batu Pahat.
ReplyDeleteHi Adelene Kuan ... Its still at Engan , the road adjacent to jalan Penggaram. Ask around and as it's so popular.
ReplyDeleteThanks ...Uncle James.
Hi James, sorry i can't recall knowing you but your Sandman post and the fact that Seah Kong Hwa is my classmate makes me wonder...I am Sim Poi Kon, ring a bell?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, superb photography and well documented for the future generation. Good job!
Hi Poi Sim,
ReplyDeleteHey Thanks for dropping by my blog. Same as me, as I have poor recollection when it comes to Names ..Ha,Ha. The best way is to post your pic on FB so that I can remember better. Anyway do drop by our '' JAM '' session every Tuesday just for fun or sing a song or two , for old times sake...Take care Brother !!
Regards ... Heng Hai ( Primary school name ).
Hi James,
ReplyDeleteI'm based in KK, Sabah. Will try catch up on my next trip back. Which class were you in form 3-5? Science or arts? Where do you hang out Tues?
Hi Poi Sim,
DeleteKK ...I was there last year with my fellow photogs. There's a High SChool boy over there by the name of Ong Beng Chai, don't know whether you know him or not, as he was a six former from the class of 74. I was in form 3B or C and I am sure about it ....Ha,Ha. But I left for Vocational school after L.C.E. exam. Was in J.B. vocational school for 2 years before going to College . So go to my Facebook and take a look at my ''OLD '' self...Ha,Ha. We does '' Jamming '' every tueday and sometimes Wednesday. I am just the only other singer in the Band named ...The Rubber Band !!
Take care and see soon !!
Regards....James Moh Heng Hai.
love the photos taken...still got lots to be featured......
ReplyDeleteHi Synthia Estee St,
DeleteThanks Girl for the kind comments and for dropping a line in my blog. Ya, agreed, there's still a lot to be done, for that I need to slot in more of my free time in this remaining year ...Cheers!!
Regards...Uncle James.
Hi Uncle James, i just read about your posting and would like to thank you for sharing this! Younger generation like me may not know this but the story & the good old days of Batu Pahat should be remembered and preserved as good as 98 Hang products.
ReplyDeleteReally love to meet you & have a chit-chat on this...
Again.. thank you for this wonderful sharing! ;-)
Hi Az Yusof ...Salam and Thank You for penning down your kind comments in my Blog, really appreciate it. Glad that it brings back memory and a little Serjarah for the younger generation that has mostly forgotten about our glorious past. I am lucky , because i was born in the riverside area and later grew up in a Kampung where most of my Jiran were orang Jawa. o, i have the best of both worlds and am blessed with a rich tradition of both cultures... Ha, Ha. Give me a call a few days ahead and we can talk about old times over a cup of '' Kopi O Kau '' ...Salam and Terima Kasih.
DeleteHi James ( I don't think I can call you 'Uncle'),
ReplyDeleteA bit late to the party!
What a lovely spread of pictures, capturing the essence of Batu Pahat. Viewing them was indeed 'going home' for me. Well done.
Hi AutumnRiver ...At this age were are never to late to any party at all ..Ha, Ha. Thanks for penning down your thoughts and i am glad my post brought some ' coming home ' feelings to you. I believe you too are around my age group and riding time and having Fun in our later years . What batch are you from ( Schools )and where are you now ? Take care and here's wishing you and your Family all the best ... Cheers!!
Delete1969-1970. In the UK now and writing under the name of Catherine MacBeth about BP. You have captured BP in pictures while I have tried with words. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHi chiew Hwa ...Thanks for the reply and thanks for the email too. Its good to see that you're settled down over in the U.K. Thanks and take care ... Cheers!!
DeleteThis is amazing! Looking at those photos looks so surreal! It can really bring you down a trip through time.
ReplyDeleteHi Mei, so sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for the kind compliments. Glad you like the pics as that's my way of conveying my love for my hometown and folks here. Too busy looking after my FB pages and my students .. Xia,Xia. Uncle James
DeleteDear Uncle James Moh
ReplyDeleteYou did a fantastic job with all those 'ancient' nostalgic photos of Batu Pahat I never even knew even though I am now 81 years old (born in 1939)
Thank you a million for all your valuable efforts to keep BP alive for old folks like myself
Do keep me posted at:
Lim ju boo
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ReplyDeleteHello and Hi Mr.Lim, It's was a big surprise when I saw your name ... Wow !! Guess what, I have often mention you to my children and relatives about you whenever they mention '' IMR ''. Just in case you may be wondering whatever for ? Well, I actually met you way back in 70's in my coffee shop here in B.P. Guess what ? I am Boh Min Hai's younger brother. Do you still remember him ? He used to work at GEC in K.L. Both he and you were interested in the same hobby ... Astronomy. He always mentioned you as we were fellow '' Sukee '' and your brother used to run a aerated water shop here in Jalan Rahmat opposite of OCBC. Glad to know you still in the pink of health. It's an honor to have you pen down in this humble blog of mine. By the way my brother pass away more than a decade ago. If you are ever back in B.P. do kindly give me a tinkle over a cup of Kopi 'O'. My number : 019-7119019. Take care, stay safe and looking forward to meeting you one of this day ... Thanks, Brother James.